Kontakta mybug

mybug AB godkänner ej påminnelseavgifter, förseningsräntor eller andra kostnader förenade med:
- felaktig fakturamottagare och/eller felaktig fakturaadress
- ej giltig orderbekräftelse, ej godkänd verifierad kompensation/reklamation, ej bekräftad offert
- faktura/påminnelse skickad som papperspost vilket ej kommit mybug AB tillhanda alternativt kommit mybug AB tillhanda efter förfallodag.

- faktura/påminnelse vilken ej skickats till faktura@mybug.se alternativt info@mybug.se och inte kommit oss tillhanda.

mybug AB does accept reminder fees, delay interest or other costs associated with:
- incorrect invoice recipient and/or incorrect invoice address
- not valid order confirmation, not approved verified compensation/complaint, not confirmed quotation
- invoice/reminder sent as paper mail which has not been received by mybug AB or alternatively has been received by mybug AB after due date.

- invoice/reminder which has not been sent to faktura@mybug.se or info@mybug.se and has not reached us.


mybug AB

Box 2813

187 28  Täby
